Friday, February 6, 2009


My favorite musical group or band would probably have to be the Foo Fighters. I have a whole bunch of their music on my ipod. I really like their music because of all of the instruments they use in their performances. Plus, the words to their songs have a connotative meaning. Or in other words, they actually mean something. And that really makes me like a groups music, if it actually means something to me. Some people just sing about random stuff but I really like these guys. I hope they keep making music for a very long time. As for my life the past couple weeks, I have been a very busy person. I have played in multiple golf tournaments over this span, and even gone to my lake house. I played pretty well in the tournaments, getting 3rd in one of them, and 5th in the other. But I had a blast at my lakehouse. Even though the water is still too cold to swin in, I still really enjoy spending quality time with my family. Playing games, barbeqing, and other fun stuff like that!!!!!