Saturday, October 4, 2008

Illegal Immagrants

Here, in America, we do have a problem with illegal immagrants. A big problem. Some of the things that we are doing right now to deal with them, is strengthening the border, and cutting down on the number of immagrants period. Some of the countries that we deal with are Mexico, and Cuba. Some of the hispanics come to the United States for freedom, and the opportunity to start a new life. Most of the Cubans though just come here to get away from situation happening in Cuba right now. Some of the immagrants also come here because they want to. I believe that that is ok.
I believe that if you are coming here to start a new life, that is ok. But if you are coming here just to escape from something, that is not. America is the land of opportunity, not the land of safety. Anyone running from a national disaster, or financial problems, need to be banned, or get permission from the United States government first. Many americans are angered by the hispanics coming to the United States for jobs. I am not angered by this. If they are willing to work hard for a living, and really try to do their best, then great. But if they do not want to work hard, then leave.


Audrey Doak said...

hey tyler, good blog. I agree with you that immigrants should be allowed if they want a better life, i dont think america should stop them

v!ctor!a aka Tor! said...

thats true if they want to work they should be aloud to stay and people shouldn't be mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!