Thursday, November 6, 2008

Terrorists in America

Here in America we have had several terrorist attacks. Some of the most brutal have occurred in the last couple years. 7 years ago, in New York, we had attacks on the Twin Towers. These were the tallest towers in America, and were the office place of thousands of Americans. Two air planes that were hijacked by Afghanistan hit the towers, killing over 2000 people.On that same day, there were 2 other planes that were hijacked. One hit in a field in Pennsylvania, and the other hit a building known as the Pentagon. There is also a rumor that another plane tried to hit the White House. This rumor may or may not be true.
We are making strides to try and solve these issues. America is tightening up a ton on air port security. We sent troops over to Afghanistan to try and help the issue. They are trying to track down the man who organized this whole disaster. Osama Bin Laden. Many say that he is the most wanted man on the face of the earth right now. I definately agree with them. I honestly have no idea the motives behind the attacks, maybe the amount of money America has? I really dont know. I'll let you answer that one for me.


flurogreen said...

yeah well i have always wondered what it would be like to have no uniform. I like having uniform because you don't have to worry about what you're going to wear. We dont have anyone bullying others about what they're wearing. What is it like to have no uniform??

flurogreen said...

i also play tennis. I'm not very good but am improving and i like it.